Kapalinová chromatografie (HPLC a UHPLC) – analytické aplikace

Vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie (HPLC) a ultra vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie (UHPLC) patří mezi nejčastěji používané techniky v chemii a biologických vědách.

Avantor equipment and products for analytical liquid chromatography

Výber kolóny

Potrebujete správnu kolónu na HPLC alebo GC pre svoju metódu. Existuje veľa možností. Pomôžeme vám vybrať tú správnu pre vašu aplikáciu.

Mobile Phases and Phase Modifiers

You can choose the HPLC solvents that are best for your lab from among the hundred Avantor offers. Get the brands and products you prefer from a supplier you trust.


No matter what type of vials you need, Avantor can help. We have dozens of vials of different sizes, shapes, and finishes to help guarantee chemical compatibility. Look at what Avantor carries to meet your needs.

Capillary, Fittings, and Accessories

Optimize the flow path in your chromatography lab with your choice your choice of capillaries, fittings, and connectors. See what Avantor has to offer.

Vyhrazené detektory

Zlepšete svou analýzu se širokým výběrem detektorů pro LC, jako jsou například odpařovací detektory na principu rozptylu světla (ELSD).

Avantor® – odborníci v chromatografii

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What is HPLC?

High performance liquid chromatography, known as HPLC, works by using high-pressure pumps to effectively force a sample mixture containing the solvent through a column that contains a solid absorbent material.

This absorbent material interacts differently with each component in the solvent. As the solvent components flow out of the column, they flow at a unique rate.

The difference in flow rate lets each component be separated from the mixture. A detector then determines the identity and concentration of the compounds.